Thursday 12 February 2015

Gay, lesbian, straight? looking to co-parent? we want to hear from you

I am a journalist of more than 30 years experience, writing frequently on issues of health, mental health, social issues. I have been asked by the Guardian to write an article on new form families, and how and why they are frequently optimal parents, linked to the book of Susan Golombok's impressive research Modern Families to be published in March. But in order to do this article I need a lead interview for my article with people willing to be identified and to talk about their choices. I would like a couple - could be heterosexual or gay/lesbian - where one is having a child by artificial means as a result of meeting through the internet and who plan to co-parent either in the same or separate homes. If you would be willing to feature in my article - and obviously I would be happy to discuss what I am doing by phone first - I would be delighted to hear from you. Article: 10th February 2015 Angela Neustatter

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