Friday 27 January 2012

Do you read BioNews the free online publication?

If not – then perhaps you should! BioNews, published by the charity Progress Educational Trust (PET), is a free online publication providing balanced comment and news on assisted conception, genetics and embryo/stem cell research. Subscription is free and you can easily subscribe online. You'll receive a weekly email so you're up to date with all the latest research and news, and you can post comments online and debate topics with other subscribers.
If you do read BioNews, then you'll know that recent articles covered a fall in NHS-funded fertility treatment despite an increase in demand (' IVF Funding cuts spark access concerns' BioNews 640), results from a new study from the Centre for Family Research at the University of Cambridge which shows that there is 'No negative impact for surrogate's own children' (BioNews 640) and coverage of a US legal case 'Lesbian woman in US who donated eggs to ex-partner granted parental rights over child.' (BioNews 639). Throughout 2011, BioNews also contributed to a number of debates on key topics such as the future of the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority and how to compensate egg and sperm donors.

If you're already a reader, hopefully you'll also know that PET has just launched the BioNews 2012 reader survey. The BioNews editors and PET staff are keen to understand readers' views of BioNews and, most importantly, how BioNews can be improved. So, PET needs as many people as possible to complete the survey: it's online, easy to complete, and should only take a few minutes of your time. There are four short sections: 'You and BioNews', 'BioNews content', 'BioNews design' and 'About you'.

Please do take a few minutes to complete the survey: the BioNews editors and everyone at PET cannot keep BioNews relevant without your input. This is also PET's opportunity to find out more about BioNews' readership, which helps to attract advertisers and inform grant applications, which in turn enhances the probability of funding - all of which means you can continue to enjoy BioNews as a free resource.

Read more about parenting options, IVF, sperm and egg donation at

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