Saturday 19 March 2011

Today is Goddess of Fertility Day

The spring equinox in Western culture marks the first day of the change of the seasons. Many people will start to do their spring cleaning around this time, and the Christian holiday of Easter is celebrated some time between March and April. For many cultures, religions, and spiritual paths, however, it marks what could be called the Goddess of Fertility Day.

Ostara, as the day is often called, was named after the Norse Goddess of Fertility. The celebration of fertility, life, and rebirth is most often celebrated during the vernal equinox, sometime between March 19 and March 22. It is a festival often celebrated with a plentiful feast, cleaning, decorating, and exploration.

Eggs and rabbits are most often associated with the day, as a sign of fruitful production and fertility. Decorating them with warm colors is a means to celebrate the renewal of the harvest and welcome in the change in the weather.

Many cultures and religions celebrate a similar holiday each spring. This is believed to have been a way for the different religions to gain new followers and converts.

List of Fertility Goddesses:
Ala (Nigerian) Mother Goddess responsible for fertility of both animals and man.
Ajysyt (Siberian) Mother Goddess. Her name means "birth giver". She visited every mother and provided a soul for the newborns.
Aka (Turkish) Ancient Mother Goddess.
Alemonia (Roman) Goddess responsible for feeding of the feotus in the womb. Also known as Alemona.
Aphrodite (Greek) Represented fertility.
Arianrhod (Welsh) Associated with fertility.
Aveta: (Gaulish) Goddess of fertility, childbirth and midwives, also linked to fresh water.

Bast (Egyptian) Bast the cat headed Goddess was associated with both fertility and childbirth.
Bendis (Greek) One of several Greek fertility Goddesses.
Bona Dea (Roman) Goddess of fertility, healing, virginity, and women
Brigit (Irish) was the Goddess of home, hearth, feminine aspects, healing, and fertility.
Ceres (Roman) Goddess of crops and agriculture.
Corn Mother (Native American) Responsible for the fertility of the land and people.
Cybele (Roman) Cybele was the goddess of fertility based on Anatolian Goddess Kybele.

Demeter (Greek) The Goddess of grain and bringer of fertility to the earth.

Frigg (Nordic) Frigg was the Odin wife she protected a man's marriage and made him fertile. Her name was invoked to bring children into a conjugal union.
Freya (Nordic) Often confused with Frigg, Freyja was the Norse goddess of sexual activity.

Gaia (Greek) Ancient Greek mother goddess who gave birth to the land and the Titans.
Gefjon(Teutonic) She was one of Frigg's handmaidens and associated with fertility of both man and the land.

Haumea (Hawaiian) Haumea was perpetually reborn, allowing her to continually mate with her offspring.

Juno (Roman) Often called upon by infertile women.

Macha (Irish) Fertility goddess who primarily concerned with male virility.
Mastor-Ava (Russian) Earth Goddess.

Nile Goddess - One of the prehistoric fertility Goddesses worshipped in the Nile Delta. She had the head of a bird.

Rainbow Snake (Aborigine) She represented the fertile rains, and sea she flows through her people's lives bringing children. Rhea (Greek) Replaced her mother Gaia as the earth and fertility goddess. She gave birth to the first Olympians

Tlalteutli (Aztec) Goddess of Creation. The Universe was made of Her body.

Urd (Teutonic) Norse Earth Goddess.

Venus (Roman) Roman equivalent to Aphrodite. She represented one of the main fertility Goddesses.

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